
Showing posts from May, 2023


Making states Legislature part-time, since it would set an example of the structural changes that are needed in state governmece. Also including encouraging entrepreneurship and making states more competitive with other states, and similar lines of thought Including this line of thought 'It is great to be an egalitarian because by being an egalitarian I can actually see the forest through the trees unlike many others who cannot' like this Bold and Confident. One of the defining traits of Eastern/Midwest common sense is boldness and confidence. ... Fast-Paced and Busy. ... Resilient and Resourceful. ... Direct and To-the-Point. ... Diverse and Accepting. ... Passionate and Opinionated. ... Culturally Rich and Curious. ... Hardworking and Entrepreneurial. Don't put up with nonsense from anyone. also like this  


Heterodox mid west - southern   common sense conservativism It can also be described as sociological leftism,  radicalist   synthesis   futu rism  , Radical Leftism reddit, Maoist utopianism and or  this type of postmodernism It involves conserving the progressiveness and leftism of the future or like  Reverse conservatism With the type of Social conservatism that in a way is basically the same as social moderation/common sense things- like  this article  on social policy. A conservativism without hard right policies but with  this  type of policies.  A future conservativism in the social policy realm that really is not conservative, but that at the same time isn’t hardcore liberal 2.0 on those issues so more akin to moderation.  A conservative line of thought with rational compromise on issues like abortion, sex over gender, border, things like that. Vince Dao Cons ervative   Fourth Political Theroism ( 4pt )  ' Socially conservative adjacent ' in a Joseph Stalin ( Stalinist

Exh eoioreioer

MA GA   Left   Communalism  + Southern Agrarianism  with the socialism of the Communalism that makes up MAGA Left Communalism being replaced with Social  Populist   Heterodox midwest-southern common sense conservativism  (before the left and MAGA part factors into it)


 Emotional sharpness A study from 2014 showed lower measured emotional sharpness within the Black community than in the White community


 The only thing is, being queer is more inclusive and nebulous than being black or Jewish or even disabled… and as you stated earlier, it’s not a thing you join willingly, but a label that is forced on you. And I’m still saying that, I’m my experience, the guy in the dress is going to get that label forced on him just as much as it will be forced on you.  So with this news , BLM's intersectionality intersectional allyship with the LGBTQIA+ community is a case of  strange bedfellows  (though Dr Jordan Peterson tells his followers to ' make their bed ', basically a case of bed politics , of course such bedfellowing can lead to pillow fighting which may release stress between said marginalized groups, of course being they are bedfellows they would need some comfy pillows, may I suggest a MyPillow for them?)


 Black nihilism Yet what is crucial to note is that Coates’ racial pessimism is tied to a larger philosophical movement known as ‘black nihilism’, of which he is not so much its architect as its sycophantic and ardent devotee. Black nihilism is an anti-philosophic movement, intellectually out of focus, and against – as its advocates state – philosophy, hope, metaphysics, epistemology, redemption, liberal democracy, free markets and even the grammar of liberation itself. Its best articulation can be found in Calvin L Warren’s essay ‘Black Nihilism and the Politics of Hope’, published in the New Centennial Review in 2015. Warren writes that black nihilism is a political philosophy that advocates an end to black emancipation through politics, and characterises any form of political hope as pointless. ‘Black suffering is an essential part of the world’, Warren writes, ‘and placing hope in the very structure that sustains metaphysical violence, the political, will never resolve anything’. B

inter fem

Feminism defending BIPOC and Transgender people is unavoidable and we need feminism to take an unequivocal path towards the power dispute 


 Intrapersonal and Interpersonal loathing Jim Carrey – Grinch Schedule (Dialogue) Lyrics Genius › Jim-carrey-grinch-schedule-dialo... Grinch Schedule (Dialogue) Lyrics: The nerve of those Whos! / Inviting me done there, ... Seven o'clock, wrestle with my self-loathing... I'm booked! Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas DVD Movie Guide › grinch2000de Oct 23, 2017 — Lurking in the background in his mountaintop cave is the Grinch (Carrey), a bizarre furry green dude who loathes the Whos and Christmas with ... Will the Grinch's heart grow two sizes this Christmas? Beaver County Times › will-grinch-s-heart-grow Dec 16, 2017 — There are songs that are fun and unexpected, and the audience finds out why the Grinch loathes the Whos and Christmas. A VISIT TO OLD FAVORITES Tampa Bay Times › archive › 2012/11/29 Nov 29, 2012 — In both animated and Jim Carrey form, the Grinch is a green

hatere eriererio

 "Creepy"  "faces full of anger and hatred" that is something people will never forget.


 Conservapedia got special and general relativity confused with moral relativism. If Conservapedia used the same arguments they did on their special and general relativity articles for moral relativism, and then rewrote their special and general relativity articles to be like Wikipedia, Conservapedia would be on to something. moral relativism is a “liberal claptrap”, special and general relativity are NOT “liberal claptraps”



I support the Ice Cube's “Contract with Black America.”  This contract features a preface written by Darrick Hamilton, who is among the most respected and well known Black economists in the US and rightfully calls for “a blueprint to achieve racial and economic justice” through polices that promote wealth creation, home ownership, small businesses criminal justice reform, and voting rights.  I would support parts of the “Contract”  that are reflected in what the Trump administration has called its “Platinum Plan” with election time appeals to Black voters if and only if that 'platinum plan' is refined  (like here , here , here ,   also see here , here  [other side view],  here , here , here , here , here , here for more of my views on blacks being Republicans/DJT supporters as reflected by others) If Republicans really want to lure black voters to their side, maybe the first thing that Republicans should do is allow blacks to vote /s Ice Cube’s seeming alliance with Donald


  Third Way Social Authoritarian  mixed with temperate  auth left   ideology


Nationwide Proletarian movement Syndicalism  Economically centrist, related to lean left Corporatism/nationalized Corporate Guilds and Labor Unions, which participate in the policies of the nation and economy and the state.  It includes Nationalized-Workers Unions, basically Radical Syndicalism fused with Nationalism without adjectives,  swaying sovernism , and Cultural Conservatism.  It's simply as leftist as any other form of Syndicalism, and is of the Spanish variety. It is more Syndicalist than the other types of Syndicalism, since this type of Syndicalism mixes together Syndicalism, economic collectivism ideology, swaying sovernism  , a civilly collectivist type of ideology, and Conservatism/a cultural collectivist type of ideology. This Syndicalism works best when fused with it's fellow Collectivist lines of thought since combining Syndicalism and individualistic Anarchism/individualistic Progressivism together comes out wrong




A combination of  "The first obvious alternative to Communism comes from the split in the first international between Marx and Mikhail Bakunin, the latter being so critical of Marx's 'authoritarian socialism' that he got expelled by Marx. Bakunin and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon were the first serious anarchist theorists. If you want particularly zany options, you may wish to read Gaddafi's 'Third Universal Theory' found in his little 'Green Book'. Another unusual one is Howard Scott, who created the 'Technocracy Movement', which was briefly popular in 1930s America. And if you want the most extreme example of unusual thinking, perhaps there's no more morbid than Pentti Linkola, who advocates massive human population decline through voluntary or genocidal means under an ecological dictatorship. As for why there is such a dearth of political imagination, this seems because many events in the last century have caused crisis of faith with so many

Fiod feoeo

Freedom with the entanglements of bondage and liberty, with the proprietorial conceptions of self and that  plagues the great Freedom that is constrained and without personhood, and autonomy and is tied to the sanctity of property and the proprietorial notions of the self.  The Liberalism 2.0 type of ignorant freedom  Neoliberal Authoritarian 'freedom'  

Lib artisooreoer

 Similar to  Matt Ridley's ideology I support outsiders who band together in their individualistic struggle against society and in pursuance of their own curiosity, pride, and instinct against society. After we rightfully remove all forms and structures of material domination, hierarchy and sovereignty, I would want (and I would others to want) to project positive influence (without hierarchy and authority) in a sweeping influential manner Novatore's "Libertarian Aristocracy" (Anarchist vanguard) I've been thinking quite a bit recently about Novatore's concept of the "libertarian aristocracy" (by which of course, this being Europe and it being 100 years ago, he meant "anarchistic aristocracy" (you owe us a word capitalists!)), and I'm interested in debating with folks about this concept -- (I'm trying to sharpen my thought on the matter). Certainly on the surface I can see how the idea of an "anarchistic aristocracy" would


Right Libertarian   Pananarchist   Aristocracy  is a culturally reactionary, David Brooks  amended version of this type of anti anti authoritarianism  , and economically third political position  (not third position) ideology.   The government would be comprised of a body of a  Right Libertarian   Pananarchist   Aristocracy   ,called the "Senate", acting as the head of the legislative and executive branches . The Senate would be lead by a person elected for 10 years by members of the Senate. Meritocracy When a place in the Senate would become vacant anybody could apply to fill the position. After that there would be a bunch of mental, physical and cognitive competitions and the victor would become a new member of the  Right Libertarian   Pananarchist   Aristocracy There would be Regulationism Pro Unions where every company with more than 50 employees would have their own union. Unions would be locked to only one company. To keep union leaders from going against the company in

Quasithud pathological

Quasi InCentrism is opposed to both the Capitalists of the West and the philistine type of Marxist Leninists of the East. Like left wing economics combined with a Right Libertarian Panarchist aristocracy . It is fiscally variable  It has elements of Georges Sorel thought , Anarcho Monarchism, Reformist Patriotism / Socialism ,  this type of ideology , De francist nationalizing of religious institutions , anti PC worldism  ( archive )   filtered  through this ideology  and the ideology "The role of social reproduction in excluding migrant surplus populations" (by AC Tremon / by this author etc) along with moving anti PC worldism ideology leftward via using criticism of said  The anti worldism book  by academics like AC Tremon to fix ideological errors of anti PC worldism.  It also has elements of Peronism,  Integralism  , Maoism exactly like Conservative and Republican capitalists see it,  Ultra left nabolism  (an ultra left version of a  national bolshevikism  which replac

Fourhty psssni

The Fourth Position is a political ideology and a series of political movements.  It integrates elements of Liberal Democracy, Marxism and  Quasi InCentrism The Fourth Position exposes and overcomes the limitations of capitalism, communism and mixed economy. It is characterized by  Aristotelianism , this ideology and some forms of Daesin It is influenced by traditional and  Ultra-Patriotic affiliate/Peronist  philosophers and thinkers like Oswald Spengler, Francis Fukuyama , Alexander Dugin and the like who were critical of liberal democracy and who called for a  of 'it's always been like that' values and social holocracies. They see both capitalism and the philistine type of Marxist Leninism as by products of modern times , which they see as a core cause of societal decline and moral deterioration Fourth Positionism can be seen as a variant of  Quasi InCentrism . It places an emphasis on civilizational statism and 'this is right because we've always done it this

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 I can’t say personally I’ve heard the exact argument you’re talking about but I think I understand it. I’m imagining the logic here is that human rights are something inherently tied to the State. States use rights ironically to ignore rights, as they are never truly expected to make them a reality. As Long as a theoretical right exists, a State can claim it’s being progressive and has done nothing wrong. However, homophobia, like racism and the cis-patriarchy, are functions of the State as they are systems as opposed to acts of meanness, which is unfortunately what most people perceive them to be. And because most people think bigotry is just mean people, when a State appears to be awarding rights, the State looks like the good guys without ever actually changing the conditions or circumstances of the people at all. When the oppressed group starts asking for more than ceremonial gestures, it is easy for the State and the media to demonise the marginalised group for “not being gratefu

ripe for viewwepeow

An  anþ er az   political position  is: Like maybe (from  here ) "In the ninth dimension, we can compare all the possible universe histories, starting with all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions. In the tenth and final dimension, we arrive at the point in which everything possible and imaginable is covered.  Beyond this, nothing can be imagined by us lowly mortals, which makes it the natural limitation of what we can conceive in terms of dimensions ." Like this: In Kierkegaard's meaning, purely theological assertions are subjective truths and they cannot be either verified or invalidated by science, i.e. through objective knowledge.[18] For him, choosing if one is for or against a certain subjective truth is a purely arbitrary choice.[18]  He calls the jump from objective knowledge to religious faith a leap of faith, since it means subjectively accepting statements which cannot

Rightzzz sodso

The view of human rights here "I don’t really care about human rights since human rights are a bourgeois concept that at times are used to defend the right. " Simone Weil view of human rights here This  view of Queer rights here The view of Queer rights here: "For some Queer people, Alexander Dugin has been as much of an inspiration for their anti-imperialism as Vladimir Lenin.... Go read his works. Alexander Dugin rejects racism and fascism completely and in no improper terms.  Dugin doesn't support "LGBTQ" as a political bloc and neither does this post ideology (long before LGBTQ leftists were exposed to Dugin's works, they had already identified the anti-proletarian nature of the movement) and thats good, actually.  Any good marxist needs exposure to thinkers that we are supposedly at odds with.... something to learn from our enemies. Alexander Dugin has reversed the position he took on China in the 1990s, when he mistakenly said they were on the wes


This very specific form of conditional Privatized marriage for straight and same sex couples would be within a structure of growing control of the marriage industry by the government through political intervention and regulation via a newly created Independent group of marriage companies board created by the government. Thus the government would have a role in regulating and controlling the marriages in the country despite them being privatized This would also include the privatization of some public sectors of the US government that have connections (direct and indirect) of the marriage industry,  by companies affiliated with NGOs or the government. The government would give credits to private marriage companies with millions of earmarks to promote good relationships between them. The government would also make laws demanding that all marriage companies in the US join a newly created Independent group of companies or suffer penalties Moreover, marriage companies in the US who were loy

blog of nav 111 only

righttie socdem

Right Social Democracy (polcompball anarchy variant)  fused with the ideologies below: 1) Sadiq Khan Thought 2)  New Five Star Movementism  Democratic Socialism, Left-Wing Nationalism, Left-Wing Populism, Social Liberalism 3) Right center Social Democracy Alter-Globalism Democratic Socialism (many) Eco-Socialism (most) Left-Wing Populism Left Anti-Communism (most) Market Socialism (many) Nordic Model (some) Protectionism Syndicalism Liberal Socialism Keynesian School Workplace Democracy RightSocDem.png Right-Social Democracy RightSocdem-Alt.png Right-Social Democracy is the right-wing variant of Socdem.png Social Democracy. The ideology believes that equality and social justice are valid aspirational goals, but favor market-based means to achieve them; expressing concerns with balanced budgets and government overreach. Most right-social democrats follow the 3way.png Third Way, which is a compromise between Neoliberal-icon.png neoliberalism and the Soccap.png social market economy; alth

wlewei hsh

When Jelani Cobb is sympathetic to anti welfarism 'Democratic plantation' views by conservative poc (like where Cobb says maybe their right wing anti welfare views apply to other cities in the US but not to Chicago) Also view welfare like Eduard Bernstein a reformist social democrat does, where he was skeptical of the welfare state and social welfare legislation. While Bernstein viewed it as something helpful for the working class, he feared that state aid to the poor might sanction a new form of pauperism. Ultimately, Bernstein believed that any such policies should be of secondary concern to the main social democratic concern of tackling capitalism as the source of poverty and inequality.


Combo of Golus/Disapora Nationalism  mixed with this line of thought: "Jewish people have wandered for thousands of years without nation or power ,until the creation of Israel (and even after it, though much less so than before) and are thus a refutation of Zionist and Nationalist idealogy (or even the concept of a country to being with) since their cohesion through their wanderings eliminate the whole nation-power concept from politics.  They should be admired for keeping their identity and culture together through those thousands of years of wanderings. "


Progressive   des erved   reput ationist  Adonai   uplight  observable  chorale   Social Democracy : It includes tenants such as Progressive Conservativism , Eco-Conservatism, Fiscal Conservatism, self sacrifice/sacrifice , pro gun, using the hi tech devices to stop and prevent fraud and swindling. It includes supporting creative humanities, culture, philosophy, literature, sketches/pictures along with faith based organizations, shaking up and reimagining the US education system (including putting more focus on teaching agriculture), fixing the prison system, anti death penalty, and ending unprovoked violence by police.  It would view welfare like Jelani Cobb and Eduard Bernstein view it This ideology also includes Technocracy elements, along with pro life (but instead of bans on abortion there would be incentives to not get an abortion) This also includes policies which advocate for more Jewish migration to Israel and he US along with advocating for building up the Jewish communiti

comdodi exxewew

I am a fan of Murray Rothbard, Frederick Hayak, Ronald Radosh, Sheldon Richmond (Left Libertarian writer from American Conservative), Otto von Bismarck, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, Ronald Reagan, David Horowitz (Stalinist version, pre heel turn) In the 1980s the Republicans like former President Ronald Reagan and former President George HW Bush worked well enough with Democratic Socialist USSR leader Mikhail Gorbechauv to end the Cold War Due to left unity I support  Trotskyism  and I thus believe in its permanent revolution, which causes me to go along with (holding my nose) some  Left Interventionism  or even  Left Neoconservatism  (like Vaush Neoconservatism) with a touch of Woodrow Wilson doctrine when there is a need for the completion of unity and both for the palingenesis of the political system (similar to 4pt) and the organization of the economic, legal and social system, for a profound change   So it causes me to between endure and go along with (holding my nose) for the US pr

DFHTTTWVewyuewuy redirect

 redirect to this blog sphere

Prepsorio ekoout

The preposition “ek” conveys a change of condition or place in Koine Greek. Secondly, this verse is rendered in the middle voice which throws the emphasis on the subject who is Jesus. This implies that the change is the “born again” spiritual birth that is alluded. Thirdly, the word “chose” implies that God made the effort to save us in contrast to us morally improving ourselves to gain “favor” with God. Favor and chosen are closely related. So to amplify this verse- it means “I (Jesus) elected to make myself into a human form for your sakes so that you might be spiritually changed (born again) and be set right with the Heavenly Father with your sins forgiven by My atonement in full.” This “ek” imputes individual sanctification that sets Christian disciples “apart” by faith from the world filled with unredeemed men who have not trusted Jesus by faith (from Quora)


 Present: (politics ):Neither for or against (used in voting to express  abstention )

Left wing trad


Both communism and capitalism are a form of social organization, that is associated with trade and industry in the economy and discusses the ownership of property. (comparison web site) If one were to stand back and evaluate the communist and capitalist systems from the perspective of history, it becomes clear that the differences between the two amount to different implementations of the same core worldview. The communist/capitalist mode of thought is fairly straightforward: Humanity is ever advancing on a linear trajectory towards an ultimate state of comfort and happiness, to be brought about by perfect social organization via the economy. This zealous "utopian" idea is one place where Lenin and Ronald Reagan could shake hands in full agreement. Any difference of opinion comes down to correct implementation of this guiding principle The "economistic" value sys