Rightzzz sodso

The view of human rights here "I don’t really care about human rights since human rights are a bourgeois concept that at times are used to defend the right. "

Simone Weil view of human rights here

This view of Queer rights here

The view of Queer rights here:

"For some Queer people, Alexander Dugin has been as much of an inspiration for their anti-imperialism as Vladimir Lenin.... Go read his works. Alexander Dugin rejects racism and fascism completely and in no improper terms. 

Dugin doesn't support "LGBTQ" as a political bloc and neither does this post ideology (long before LGBTQ leftists were exposed to Dugin's works, they had already identified the anti-proletarian nature of the movement) and thats good, actually. 

Any good marxist needs exposure to thinkers that we are supposedly at odds with.... something to learn from our enemies. Alexander Dugin has reversed the position he took on China in the 1990s, when he mistakenly said they were on the western path to liberalism and praised the wisdom of the CPC. Thus, Dugin is pro-communist. his anti-communist statements were made during the collapse of the USSR, of course he had a negative opinion of the system which lead his people to that humiliation. Seeing communism in China has reversed that position he previously took.

Leftist Queers who read Alexander Dugin are not sissies to believe in that ideology. I just think people can do whatever they want with their private life (as long it is not harmful to the collectivity, like doing drugs or gambling). Gender ideology is one thing, recognizing the existence of gender is a whole different thing. Iran, for example, have transgenders concept different from the west based on their culture, and much older by the way. Arabian, Chinese, Russians, all of those cultures have their ideal of what is being a man and what is being a woman, or, like Iran, being a third thing. 

Even ideologies like reactionaryism or liberalism have an ideal for what is being a man or a woman. Dugin wrote a lot about gender, it is a very interesting reading."


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