ripe for viewwepeow

An anþeraz political position is:

Like maybe (from here)

"In the ninth dimension, we can compare all the possible universe histories, starting with all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions. In the tenth and final dimension, we arrive at the point in which everything possible and imaginable is covered. Beyond this, nothing can be imagined by us lowly mortals, which makes it the natural limitation of what we can conceive in terms of dimensions."

Like this:

In Kierkegaard's meaning, purely theological assertions are subjective truths and they cannot be either verified or invalidated by science, i.e. through objective knowledge.[18] For him, choosing if one is for or against a certain subjective truth is a purely arbitrary choice.[18] 

He calls the jump from objective knowledge to religious faith a leap of faith, since it means subjectively accepting statements which cannot be rationally justified.[18] For him the Christian faith is the result of the trajectory initiated by such choices, which don't have and cannot have a rational ground (meaning that reason is neither for or against making such choices).[18] Objectively regarded, purely theological assertions are neither true nor false.[18]

Like Transcendental idealism or the solution to the free will problem

3rd Political view-stancism (as in this type and this type of 3rd Political view-stancism) fused with a Fourth position (NOT Fourth Political theory/4pt)

Like an out of this world like political position (basically like a Supervaluationism type of position) , 

A view like this: "He had a plan so complex that human minds can't comprehend it,

How to Decontaminate Democracy - Lack of Lesser"

A strange and unusual political position

A tranverse political position 

An out of alignment political position 


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