Fourhty psssni

The Fourth Position is a political ideology and a series of political movements. 

It integrates elements of Liberal Democracy, Marxism and Quasi InCentrism

The Fourth Position exposes and overcomes the limitations of capitalism, communism and mixed economy.

It is characterized by Aristotelianism, this ideology and some forms of Daesin

It is influenced by traditional and Ultra-Patriotic affiliate/Peronist philosophers and thinkers like Oswald Spengler, Francis Fukuyama , Alexander Dugin and the like who were critical of liberal democracy and who called for a  of 'it's always been like that' values and social holocracies. They see both capitalism and the philistine type of Marxist Leninism as by products of modern times, which they see as a core cause of societal decline and moral deterioration

Fourth Positionism can be seen as a variant of Quasi InCentrism. It places an emphasis on civilizational statism and 'this is right because we've always done it this way" Daesin thought

It would be against Western Lib ideology (not necessarily against Western Liberalism)

Fourth Positionists reject bigotry

Fourth Positionism rejects Capitalism (like of the Western bloc), Communism (like of the Eastern bloc) and Third paths (like Third Positionism and Third Way) of International-United States of Europe blocs and Iron Curtain blocs

Fourth Positionism is neither left/post left (as in post left Anarchism), right or beyond the left and right

Fourth Position syncretizes political views by embracing Quasi InCentrist ,Red Reactionary/left allied accelerationism (opposite of left accelerationismcultraeconomic views , post left (as in post left Anarchism) Forward-Radical/extreme upper centrist social civil views and is in the off compass section of the political compass

Fourth Position is distinct from capitalism, Marxist socialism/socialism and third positionism 

Fourth Position is close to in some measure being a bit similar to the Fourth Political theory

Fourth Positionism is characterized by rejecting modern rot and in its support of ritualistic conservativism, this ideology, and some forms of Daesin.

It is not in line with liberal 2.0 values like pseudo individualism, equity, and the state/politics, which it views as the cause for the decline of cultural and national pride and identity. Instead, it seeks social holocracies and this type of political reform

It advocates for this subordination for the individual for the common good and society (like how Christ gave his life for the church by dying) so society can willingly submit itself to said individual's leadership in a shared leadership model

Fourth Position also is anti capitalism and anti philistinic Marxism Leninism , which it says is as equally detrimental to Fourth position values and social cohesion. 

Fourth position promotes a decentralized, self-sufficient, and this alternative to localism including in regards to the economy, in which production is centered on communal needs instead of profit. It also is against globalization, unchecked capitalism (like crony capitalism) , most forms of illegal migration,  while embracing @RAZ0RFIST's'moral case against mass migration for 'origin' countries:

Fourth position is like this due to wanting to protect national security, culture, identity etc

One Fourth Position idea is State Civilism built on political UNESCO patriotism .

Fourth Position sees the current nation-state structure as being outdated and not adequate for reconciling the issues of our time. Instead, he Fourth Position proposes that communities should be organized via civilization lines, where each civilization has its own state (similar to Anarchism, Progressive utilization theory, Pan Secessionism, etc)

So with this the civilization is more than a geographical or political concept; but a spirted and folk community that shares a commonity and values

This is cause the nation-state idea is a product of modern rot  which has caused the fragmentating and atomization of societies. 

Fourth Position says nation-states are lacking key stuff and have become only an administrative thing that serve the interests of global capitalism. 

To counter this, Fourth Position calls for the creation of a new type of state built on the ideas of the Fourth Position. In this minted state, the importance would be on ethos and positive spiritual values instead of negative freedom and the commodification of rights .

Civilization-State thought is closely tied to this ideology. All various civilizations would under this model  have equal status and power.

Each civilization in this Fourth Position world would be free to develop its own political and socioeconomic system . Thus there would be no dominant civilization or ideology so each civilization is free to pursue its own path of development.

This ideology is a core idea of the Fourth Position .

Fourth position is a fourth and perfect political position, and is sort of a sum of the “truths” that were in the three previous political paths (Quasi Red Fascism, Capitalism and Off Communism/Libertarian 'Communist' Municipalism)

Fourth position suppresses their “errors” while being against the reformist materialism/excessive materialism of Marxism and the materialism and consumerism of capitalism along with the totalitarian and authoritarian state of Quasi Red Fascism 

Fourth Position would appropriate the social justice craving found in the first, the freedom that was fought for by the second and for the nationwide patriotism defended by the third, along with annexing questionable Christian ethics

It would be similar to patriotic centralism by displaying worldviews similar to Marxism, Syndicalism and various other forms of libertarian socialism, democratic socialism, or, in extremely fringe instances non Fourth position Totalist ideology 

Fourth Position is a merger of national globalism/ radical localism  (including a sense of belonging and bioregionalism) with socialism


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