Quasithud pathological

Quasi InCentrism is opposed to both the Capitalists of the West and the philistine type of Marxist Leninists of the East. Like left wing economics combined with a Right Libertarian Panarchist aristocracy. It is fiscally variable 

It has elements of Georges Sorel thought , Anarcho Monarchism, Reformist Patriotism/ Socialismthis type of ideology, De francist nationalizing of religious institutions, anti PC worldism (archive

 filtered through this ideology and the ideology "The role of social reproduction in excluding migrant surplus populations" (by AC Tremon /by this author etc) along with moving anti PC worldism ideology leftward via using criticism of said The anti worldism book by academics like AC Tremon to fix ideological errors of anti PC worldism. 

It also has elements of Peronism, Integralism , Maoism exactly like Conservative and Republican capitalists see it, Ultra left nabolism (an ultra left version of a national bolshevikism which replaced the nationalism of its nat part with Georg Hegel's alternative to nationalism combined with Common Humanity without nationalism and tribalism in a dyson sphere (with a touch of this new transformation in that dyson sphere)  and replaced the socialism/communism in its bol part with Joe Biden housing 'communism' fused with Left Socialism)  

It further has elements of IWW-Libertarian form of Nationwide Proletarian movement Syndicalism  authenic insular, environmental , agrarian, radical conservation deep ecology (with elements of bioregionalism,  *kinship oriented/geneophillia etc), like a Vajrayana version of this direct action approach 

It also has a few other related ideologies to all of the above ones also

It seeks to syncretically unite diverse political thoughts into one

It is similar to Querfront which was cooperation between conservative revolutionaries in Germany with the far-left during the Weimar Republic of the 1920s.

Similar to Third party ideologism(positive/non right wing/non fascist) moved link from main blogs


* The early hunter gatherers were affluent and were not savages as is often falsely claimed. That is the type of ‘affluence’ I want and that will exist in our future socialistic egalitarian inclusive utopias

Kinship-oriented societies are good because they value social harmony more than wealth or status. These cultures are much more ideal than economically oriented cultures (including states) where status and material wealth are prized, and stratification, competition, and conflict are commonplace. 

Kinship-oriented cultures actively try to prevent social hierarchies from developing because they see such stratification as leading to conflict and instability. Reciprocal altruism is one process by which they use to accomplish this.

Kinship-oriented cultures provide a model for a future socialistic egalitarian inclusive society 


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