righttie socdem

Right Social Democracy (polcompball anarchy variant) fused with the ideologies below:

1) Sadiq Khan Thought

2)  New Five Star Movementism 

Democratic Socialism, Left-Wing Nationalism, Left-Wing Populism, Social Liberalism

3) Right center Social Democracy


Democratic Socialism (many)

Eco-Socialism (most)

Left-Wing Populism

Left Anti-Communism (most)

Market Socialism (many)

Nordic Model (some)



Liberal Socialism

Keynesian School

Workplace Democracy

RightSocDem.png Right-Social Democracy RightSocdem-Alt.png

Right-Social Democracy is the right-wing variant of Socdem.png Social Democracy. The ideology believes that equality and social justice are valid aspirational goals, but favor market-based means to achieve them; expressing concerns with balanced budgets and government overreach. Most right-social democrats follow the 3way.png Third Way, which is a compromise between Neoliberal-icon.png neoliberalism and the Soccap.png social market economy; although many Cdem.png Christian Democratic parties can be described as right-socdems. The best examples of right-wing social democracy is the Cball-UK.png United Kingdom under New Labourism.png Tony Blair and Thailand.png Thailand under Thaksin.png Thaksin Shinawatra.


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