
Showing posts from April, 2023

Exh 1122

“Empaths” are the youth who claim that they primarily communicate with facial gestures, not sound, and that hand movements are also oppressive. And this blatant discrimination is why they are unemployable, and not their overall inability to communicate with the rest of humanity. Of course, I can see this one dying out pretty quick

Youngst trrtoir fam

I support marginalized youth (like empaths) and full rights for them.  I support this idea of breeding to save mankind. I support the far left protonationalism movement mentioned in that article.  It is aimed at impersonal, liberal concerns, not racist Great Replacement fears. The goal of the Pronatalist Foundation is to find a way for prosperity, gender equality, education, and technology to coexist with stable populations. See here for more I support the Keir Starmer Labour Party UK as mentioned here . I hope that Sir Keir Starmer makes good (or if he has made good then continues to make good) on his declaration to make the Labour Party to become "the party of the family"

My oioieroieroi (redirect page)

New unknown Political position post redirected to  to this political blog sphere  

Exh truth tru

 "This moment is too inherently ridiculous to continue. And so it won't," he said. Tucker Carlson on Wednesday published a video reflecting on the way the media covers major issues in the wake of his departure from Fox News. The network announced that Carlson's final episode of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" was last Friday. He had hosted the network's top-rated program and the company suffered a marked decline in both ratings and valuation in the aftermath of the announcement. In a short video published on Twitter, Carlson sounded an optimistic tone, saying "One of the first things you realize when you step outside the noise for a few days is how many genuinely nice people there are in this country, kind and decent people, who really care about what's true and a bunch of hilarious people also." "The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are," he conti...

race ecthnidf

All blacks , just like all whites are can trace their initial ancestry back to the  Garden of Eden  in Iraq. Which means blacks ancestors were lighter skinned until they migrated from the Garden of Eden in Iraq to Africa. Oh, and all whites too migrated from the Garden of Eden in Iraq to Africa just like the blacks but they stayed there not as long. Everyone on Earth is descended from Adam and Eve If Africa always had a climate like Europe, then all people of African descent would be as white as Europeans and look similar to Europeans (though there are more differences between ethnicities within a race than there are between races so there would have be slight differences) I support absolute equality between all races, ethnicities, genders, sexes and religions but I am against equity. I am Anti Equity

Glumpty bumpty vogg

Based  on this , on this  along with the wrong blowback that Jacobin and Bernie Sanders have gotten for correctly suggesting that right wingers, incels and Qanons are the way they are in big part due to them being poor or near poor and that Left Social Democracy/Progressive Socialism would help them not be that way etc it seems that right wingers today are being dehumanized where even talking to them stains any liberal or leftist as a 'fascist enabler', 'grifter', 'right winger' , 'conservative' etc.   I pointed out elsewhere but I will reintrate it here "It's baffling how liberals don't realize that by being so afraid of even talking about or being associated with some, basically neutral thing, be it a meme, a subculture, scene or social space online that the right has even so much as vaguely tried to associate itself with, they are literally ceding ground and surrendering said thing to the right.  They demonize right wingers like they are ...

Value post

My main overriding political value can be found  here I love Southern Hospitality and Southern Charm and I believe that Southern Hospitality and Southern Charm are great traits to have. Southerners are friendly. We need to make Southern Hospitality and Southern go global I love the kindness, warmth, and welcomeness by Southerners of visitors to their homes, and throughout the South in general. I love the friendliness, politeness. manners, thoughtfulness of Southern Hospitality. The smallest gestures of thoughtfulness and kindness can make someone's day. . I love the foods of Southerners. I love Sweet Tea and Grits. Those are the heart of beautiful southern culture I believe we should use media and communication to disrupt privilege, build trust, and strengthen movements for social justice (by my definition). I also study threats to these movements, and how to contain the spread of anti-Blackness, real white supremacy, and inequity.  I emphasize personal autonomy and I reject a...

Int watters

I like Emmanual Macron's meeting with China and him urging China to push for peace between Russia and Ukraine. It is good that Macron is bucking the west's hostility toward China by trying diplomacy with them Between that China trip and Macron having balls to do an unpopular (and wrong) thing with raising the retirement age in France, Macron shows he is a strong leader who does what he thinks is best and is flexible. Those are great qualities to have in a leader, even leaders who aren't leftist like Macron.  I wish that Mark Levin with Emmanual Macron and then Mark Levin with Jinping Xi could all get on Skype or Zoom from their homes and sit down and hash out their issues with each other .  The latest nuclear weapons threat by Russia really just gave a green light to the West to send more stuff as they couldn't come up with realistic threats to make.  The concern was a fear of what kind of escalation Russia could make in Ukraine if they feel too cornered, but now we kno...

righty took my build

To Right Wingers, skip the slow march toward being  Liberal 2.0  and come straight to the non Liberal 2.0 left. But frankly be whatever political identity you want as long as it is voluntary I may not be George Will or Alex Keaton but in  this post  I lay out the common ground we have in terms of textbook conservatism  According to Glenn Greenwald : “I would be on [Fox News] every day if I didn’t say no sometimes. Why is that happening? It’s bizarre. You look at any article on my work and it’s “far leftist Glenn Greenwald” and now I’m the most frequent guest on Tucker Carlson’s show. How did that happen? I think the reason is so many people on the left and on the right . . . have so much more in common in terms of their political views and their common enemies than either want to recognize. . . . Those old labels [left and right] don’t really tell us much anymore.”  A lot of Right Wingers want to leave the uniparty (see  this ), then if that is what th...



I support people being gay, queer etc My views on Queer issues align with Cbratbyrudd's views on Queer issues I have a  Prefigurative hyp futurist polix-wing position  on same sex marriage I have a  Prefigurative hyp futurist polix-wing position  on same sex adoption

Alt lib

  Alter Globalization  to  Globalization  is what Alter Liberalism is to Liberalism

Muh Libealsism muh

A form a Liberalism that imagines freedom without the entanglements of bondage and liberty, without the proprietorial conceptions of self and that doesn't plague the great A form of liberalism with freedom independent of constraint, personhood, and autonomy that is separate from the sanctity of property and the proprietorial notions of the self.  Anarcho ' Con lib  on steroids' Anarchism Ordoliberal Socialism

Eco a whattt

Nat Eminence   Cons erv ationism : Libertarianism in Bull Moose garb   Anarcho   Network Contagion Research Institute thought Energetic and idealistic, strident post postmodernist Without intellectual underpinnings from below Teddy Roosevelt activism  Busting the great public trusts (education, health and SSI monopolies) An activist federal government so it could dismantle itself Anti-establishment insurgency  Allowing foreign policy as an extension of their libertarianism +PLUS+ Herman Kahn futurism Campaign finance reform Environmental protection Against the repeal of the estate tax to prevent the income gap from widening Anti Corporate power with a R Naderesque ferocity NOT conservative but Neoconservative  Radical Centrist  on Affirmative Action and vouchers Liberal friendly  touch of John McCainism  It would also have Glenn Green wald' s ideology , especially his ideology when he supported the  Project for the New American_Century...

excel 0-0

Anarcho-Antiquitism — anarchist society is sustained by collectively cherished relics and antiquities and relies on deep-rooted traditions, which render coercive central authority entirely unnecessary as anarchist values and ethics are constantly reinforced by culture and historical legacy. No one is in charge of history besides history itself; no one is in charge of culture besides culture itself; no one's in charge of society besides society itself.

antique Cake


redirect mlr

Marxism Leninism Left Rothbardism is no longer in this blog sphere, it can now be found in this blog sphere

My political typology

I am a : Maroon Concordat ,  Baizo Destroyer  ,  Fifth Political theorist , B oots Ril eyist  and a Matthew 25:40 empiricist (“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’ ”) I support New political centrism/ Fresh Continuous Forward Defense I support a hypothetical new political party (basically a rebirthed  Independence Party of America ) whose ideology is  Real ist   Independe ntism , Alter Liberalism ,  Right   Social   Democ ra cy  and  New Dealism  that forms occasional  government coalitions  with the Republican party and through its government coalitions  with the Republican party pushes them leftward I support the South ern   US version  of  this retroactive Tea Party (socialist variety)  and  Southern faction  of  Revolutionary Tea Party Bolsheviks I support a  Shadow poli...

Trans views

I have a  Prefigurative hyp futurist polix-wing position  on Transgender rights  I have an opposite position of Alex Jones on Missouri restricting gender affirming care for adults