Eco a whattt

Nat Eminence Conservationism:

Libertarianism in Bull Moose garb

 Anarcho Network Contagion Research Institute thought

Energetic and idealistic, strident post postmodernist

Without intellectual underpinnings from below

Teddy Roosevelt activism 

Busting the great public trusts (education, health and SSI monopolies)

An activist federal government so it could dismantle itself

Anti-establishment insurgency 

Allowing foreign policy as an extension of their libertarianism


Herman Kahn futurism

Campaign finance reform

Environmental protection

Against the repeal of the estate tax to prevent the income gap from widening

Anti Corporate power with a R Naderesque ferocity

NOT conservative but Neoconservative 

Radical Centrist on Affirmative Action and vouchers

Liberal friendly 

It would also have Glenn Greenwald's ideology , especially his ideology when he supported the Project for the New American_Century in the late 1990s and 2000s decade

Nat Eminence Conservationism is descended from Trotskyism  (Trotsykism itself is the LEFT WING opposite of tankie).  Nat Eminence Conservationism is Libertarian, Libright to be more specific , thus also opposite of Authleft tankies, but it has Neocon elements balancing that Libertarianism 

Nat Eminence Conservationism is not imperialist, colonialist or even globalist. It does favor foreign intervention, at least more than conservatives do but its one of the few issues it agrees with Neocons on 

Nat Eminence Conservationism favors US sovereignty (opposite of tankies who are against it), is against efforts by international organizations to take away or redefine sovereignty.  

These articles below show quite obviously how Nat Eminence Conservationism is more nationalist than Internationalism/pan national solidarity 

Like in this 2000 article, one NatEConv even rails against globalism (which is similar to Internationalism/pan national solidarity by name: here and here  Also, Nat Eminence Conservationism is vehemently opposed to the EU, hereherehere and supports Jeremy Corbyn type of Brexit (but softer). Globalists think that Nat Eminence Conservationism is not one of them, see here  

Nat Eminence Conservationism displays nationalism in a more interventionist type of way than the majority of populist-nationalists. Moreover, if you look at Nat Eminence Conservationism's roots it has adherents who were inspired by Clarence Thomas and Barry Goldwater, pro NRA, and are on cordial terms with Pam Geller and Robert Spencer (at least will be after it uses leftish ideology to do its work to create its ideal society). This resume seems to show that Nat Eminence Conservationism is "a traditional conservative who is merely more interventionist than paleo-cons"  

Nat Eminence Conservationism also was against US involvement in Bosnia 

Like with tankies such as Caleb Mauphin, Sameera Khan, Max Blumenthal, Anya Parampil, George Galloway, Haz saying way more things more agreeable to right wingers than to leftists or especially liberals (which are labeled as 'right wing talking points with left wing paint)

Similar but in opposite way Nat Eminence Conservationists such as Irving Kristol, Bill Kristol, David Brooks, Marshall Whitman, Ronald Radosh ,John McCain and to a noticeably lesser extent Elaine Chao, Henry Kissinger, Jennifer Rubin and Max Boot  would say things way more agreeable to liberal leftists than to conservatives (which are labeled as liberal leftist talking points with right wing paint)

Like Maxism Leninism/Maoism is LINO (Left wing in name only), Nat Eminence Conservationism is RINO


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