Exh fnansddis

This type of syndicalism rejects internationalism and is pro military and nationalism.

This type of syndicalism supports enormous strikes to dissolve the liberal democratic political apparatus like leftist ideologies such as Marxism Leninism and Anarchism call for. This would cause the UK economy to morph into a model of collectivist political ideology like a fusion of Consociationalism , Keynesian Corporate thought and Fordism based on class cooperation, as opposed to the Marxist class struggle (since Marxism is not as much or even that much about class struggle)

It would be a type of syndicalism that includes a lot of nationalizing industries and people

It would be very different from the idea of corporatism, and be based off of ideas from Integralism , and Proudhonists. 

A type of syndicalism that would win the favor of Anarcho syndicalist ConfederaciĆ³n Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) to a left wing populist consumer group like the ones led by Ralph Nader who are in alliances with business nationalists to rally against things similar to GATT and NAFTA. This includes mixing legit progressive critiques with Servant of the People (Ukraine) populism fused with right wing Maoism 

This also includes producerist narratives and is similar to the Kataeb Party (Lebanon) 

It also includes Catholic sindictos Labor unions which balances the interests of the bourgeois and working class. It also includes accepting or even embracing socialism (including wealth equality) and sometimes supporting Democracy. It is traditionally Socialist ones i.e pro wealth equality. It's culturally variable, although often progressive, civically centrist and economically left. It has elements of Brent BozellismLibertarian Christian Social Democracy with elements of Progressive deserved reputationist Adonai uplight observable Chorale SocDem ideology, one or more schools of thought (it is supportive of preserving local culture and regional autonomy)

This type of thought supports left Anarcho Monarchism



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