Democracy other worlds that Jacobin would support

A wip type of Democracy not unlike this one . And a type that is similar in vein to Socialism of the 21st Century since it realizes that both free-market industrial capitalism and 20th-century socialism have failed to solve urgent problems of humanity such as poverty, hunger, exploitation of labour, economic oppression, sexism, prejudice, the destruction of natural resources and the absence of true democracy. 

Like Socialism of the 21st century, it has democratic socialist elements, but it also resembles Marxist revisionism.

It would have elements of Ayn Rand's Objectivism:  Like "Objectivism" it would be derived from the idea that human knowledge and values are objective: they exist and are determined by the nature of reality, to be discovered by one's mind, and are not created by the thoughts one has. Rand stated that she chose the name because her preferred term for a philosophy based on the primacy of existence—"existentialism"—had already been taken.

Like Objectivism it would be"a philosophy for living on earth", based on reality, and intended as a method of defining human nature and the nature of the world in which we live.

When discussing Objectivism it is important to note that it isn't merely an ideology but rather a full philosophy, meaning that instead of just being a theory of politics it's a theory of philosophy as a whole (meaning: metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics as well as politics). Or at least that's what it's intended to be.


As with Objectivism, this ideology would be built on what Ayn Rand wrote in "The Metaphysical Versus the Man-Made" (Philosophy: Who Needs It): "The primacy of existence (of reality) is the axiom that existence exists, i.e., that the universe exists independent of consciousness (of any consciousness), that things are what they are, that they possess a specific nature, an identity.


Like with Rand, it would base its solution to the problem of universals on a quasi-mathematical analysis of similarity. It would reject the common view that similarity is unanalysable, and like with Ayn it would define similarity as: "the relationship between two or more existents which possess the same characteristic(s), but in different measure or degree."

The grasp of similarity, this ideology like Objectivism holds, requires a contrast between the two or more similar items and a third item that differs from them, but differs along the same scale of measurement (which Rand herself termed a "Conceptual Common Denominator"). Thus two shades of blue, to be perceived as similar must be contrasted with something differing greatly in hue from both—e.g., a shade of red.

Accordingly, like with Rand it would define "concept" as: a "mental integration of two or more units possessing the same distinguishing characteristic(s) with their particular measurements omitted."

Like with the provocative title of Ayn Rand’s The Virtue of Selfishness it would match an equally provocative thesis about ethics. Traditional ethics has always been suspicious of self-interest, praising acts that are selfless in intent and calling amoral or immoral acts that are motivated by self-interest. A self-interested person, on the traditional view, as in this ideology will not consider the interests of others and so will slight or harm those interests in the pursuit of his own. Rand’s view which is similar to this ideology's view is that the exact opposite is true: 

Self-interest, properly understood, is the standard of morality and selflessness is the deepest immorality. Self-interest rightly understood, according to Rand, is to see oneself as an end in oneself.


Although Ayn Rand who created Objectivism had political views that are often classified as conservative or libertarian, similar to Rand (but different a bit) this ideology would preferred the term "radical for Left Reformist Capitalism and 'Communism'"

Ayn Rand was a crypto Communist and that is a good thing. She was just critiquing Soviet Revisionism. Cope.

Like with Rand it might work with conservatives on political projects, but disagree with them over issues such as religion and ethics. Like with Rand it would denounce libertarianism (or at least give lip service to denouncing it)


The essence of this ideology like with Ayn Rand's view of art is that an artwork presents a philosophy, that is, a basic view of life. 

To identify what an artwork concretizes, this ideology draws inspiration from Rand in forwarding her concept of metaphysical value-judgments. 

Rand's aesthetic theory being spread by this ideology, being reached inductively rather than being deductively imposed on phenomena, allows for special cases which differ in certain respects, such that the same general principles apply in a somewhat different way. 

Architecture and music are such cases. This ideology like with Rand, champions Romanticism in one more case in which they apply the principle that underlies their entire aesthetics. Art serves a fundamental need of man's/woman's consciousness by bringing said concepts to the perceptual level of his consciousness and allowing them to grasp them directly, as if they were precepts, thereby unifying woman's/man's consciousness and offering him a coherent view of existence

 It would also be Post-Catholicism

Jacobinism variant with Authoritarian Direct Democracy, Cult of Reason, Dechristianization (of Christofascists and commie Andrew Torba type chauvinist Christianity that James Lindsay criticizes) and 

Mediacracy , Ochlocracy, Populism, Radicalism

It would also be La Plaineist (including being, syncretic, French nonpartisan, Proto-Radical Centrist and moderate Jacobinist) La Plaineism is pragmatic when it comes to praxis


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