Showing posts from July, 2023
All Gen Zers and young MIllenials from the US and Canada are what?
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Let's face it being a right winger/conservative is a losing and futile cause. You will never conserve things. Might as well go left (way left of the Democrats and progressives, as left as possible) , because that is the only way to take down the Democrats/Liberals (from far left or post left (post left as in post left Anarchism) of them instead of from the right wing). Whoever is more left wins theses culture wars and political wars. In the left wing (but really in the far left/ post left Anarchism wing mostly) you have all the tools to own the libs/Democrats. So instead of preserving and regressing to previous status quos, you right wingers/Republicans should try to fully erase (or allow the erasure of) modern culture since such culture irreversibly contaminated by Capitalism, Christianity , Capitalist Christianity , Progressivism, and Globalism. This society would also embrace Critical theory and not shy fr...
Exh nbungoew09w0we9w0
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Similar to Matt Ridley's ideology Libertarian Aristocracy (all types) As seen here by Novatore in Anarcho Libertarianism I support outsiders who band together in their individualistic struggle against society and in pursuance of their own curiosity, pride, and instinct against society. After we rightfully remove all forms and structures of material domination, hierarchy and sovereignty, I would want (and I would others to want) to project positive influence (without hierarchy and authority) in a sweeping influential manner I support outsiders who band together in their individualistic struggle against society and in pursuance of their own curiosity, pride, and instinct against society. After we rightfully remove all forms and structures of material domination, hierarchy and sovereignty, I would want (and I would others to want) to project positive influence (without hierarchy and authority) in a sweeping influential manner Novatore's "Libertarian Aristocracy" (Ana...
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this idea of breeding to save mankind. Far left protonationalism movement mentioned in that article. It is aimed at impersonal, liberal concerns, not racist Great Replacement fears. The goal of the Pronatalist Foundation is to find a way for prosperity, gender equality, education, and technology to coexist with stable populations. See here for more + China's spin on pronatalism + Re al Ma k e Lo v e ar cy ( neighbors tan ism / Mutual Alturism ) and thus a Post Sexocracy (which transcends Sexocracy) (with tr ue lo ve and Liberation Prefigurative Liberal Democratism ) Hippieist Neoconservatism (not far off from IsoLibbertMultipolarity Fourth Path Revolution with Re d ch aracteri stics , or US Hippies (including tankies ) supporting (or downplaying/turning a blind eye to) the Vietcong during the Vietnam war (for counter-cultural, tankeish and or 'to own the US warmonger imperialist-neocons' reaso...